Shadow Show
Premiere date: September 2022
Idea & Creation: Las Maleantes
Performers: Adriana de Montserrat, Ariadna Camps, Sarah Gascoin
Costume Design: Victoria Goetz
“Akelarre” serves as a poignant homage to the countless individuals persecuted and executed as witches during the dark chapters of history under the auspices of the Catholic Church.
In the medieval era, gatherings of witches and warlocks, allegedly under the influence of demonic forces often depicted as a goat, convened to engage in mystical or superstitious rituals. These assemblies, known as akelarres, typically occurred clandestinely within the caves of the forests of northern Spain, providing a veil of secrecy from prying eyes.
Over the past two years, Las Maleantes has dedicated its efforts to a comprehensive exploration of witches and their akelarres, endeavoring to reinterpret these ancient rites through contemporary artistic expressions. The initial outcome of this research culminated in the creation of our inaugural project, the video art installation titled ‘Belladona Voluxa,’ in 2020.